Freitag, 24. Juli 2009

Much action in Ray's ladder

Today Yvon and lost a match due to 3 great mistakes I made.
But there were a lot of other interesting hands:

Here is a link to myhands. I hope It will not vanish some day.

#1 We pushed them to a slam by our preempts. When dummy came down I was very happy, because I was sure, that they missed 7. I couldn't know, that Hue bid 5 hearts without club K.
Yvon was right not to sac with 6 spades. He has a lot of defense. -9.93 IMP

#3 This time Hue was punished for his vulnerable overcall and we had the better end of it.
I realized the opportunity to double once more and Yvon made a wise decision to pass my takeout double for penalties. We got all our for 3 down and scored 11 IMPs for this 800.
Club 8 by Yvon was a nice signal showing no interest in clubs. Now I knew definitely that the heart A was a singleton.

#7 This was probably the decisive hand of the whole match. We had recovered from the loss in #1 and I was in avery good mood. Perhaps I was too hilarious and though I underestimated the opponents. I hoped to catapult them out of 3NT by my double. If I only had been silent. He would probably go down with the diamond finesse against Yvon.
So I threw probably 16 but at least 7 IMPs out of the window.

#8 contains some interesting bidding questions. 1) My hand doesn't qualify for an opening. If the J were in spades Jxxx,xx,AKxxxx,x the rule of 18 could applied, but this hand I should pass. 2) I was afraid to rebid 1 spade with this scarcy suit. But would Hue have led a spade after 1D - 1H - 1S - 2C - 2D - 3NT? 3) Was 4NT RKCB for diamonds? What about 4 diamonds as minorwood?? Or is 4D game invite?? Questions over questions, and I had the unluck of the uncapable. Not the luck of the capable today. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

#9 I was thinking about this damned #7 and made the next big mistake. I forgot that my 3NT by our agreement showed not a strong balanced but a solid 6+ spade suit.
So I blew another 12 IMPs into the wind. I'm sure I hadn't forgotten the convention, if I had'n thought about this #7.

#12 costed us another 13 IMps when I guessed to finesse in the wrong red suit. I should have known better. LHO would never lead from Jxxx(x) against dummy's 1 heart bid.

So I blew at least 32 IMPs and the whole match.

There is an old German saying: "Übermut tut selten gut."
(Pride comes before fall)
I got what I deserved. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2009

12 tricks from the top; GIB goes down in 6NT

This happened to me in bridge for money:

Donnerstag, 16. April 2009

Another joke from the GIB's

This one I played in Robot-race in BBO.
My "partner" invented the spade suit at the 6-level and I had no other chance than to bid 7 hearts.
My LHO found the only lead to give me the contract and the distribution was friendly that I could execute a simple squeeze aginst RHO.

Montag, 23. März 2009

These GIB's are crazy

This happened to me last in BBO "Bridge for Money".
Look at the alerts of the 2Heart, 2Spade and 3Club bids.
These alerts are all from the same FD-CC. LOL

Donnerstag, 5. März 2009

Defense problem

Click at the NEXT button 8-times to play the first 8 tricks.

What do you play now?

Heart is in the triple void and gives declarer a ruff and discard.

Club is in the double void and gives declarer a ruff and discard.

Diamond is very dangerous, declarer holds the Q of that suit.

It seems you are in a double-bind dilemma.

Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2009

Montag, 9. Februar 2009

How to avoid this endplay?

This hand I played in a BBO-team-match. And I misdefended.
Click on my nick to show only my hand and dummy's.
Right-click the diagram and choose "hide played cards".

Click on "next" for every trick to see how the play went.

Do you see where I made the mistake?

After winning the diamond J it was mandatory to cash diamond A. THough partners lenght signals in the minors were wrong, I should know that declarer's distribution is 4423 and partner holds both minor Ks.

Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009


I was looking all the time for the best method to post bridge diagrams in a post.
After experimneting with different suggestions (see the below posts) I decided to make screen-shots of the BBO-Movie and post the images.
Now I found a new nice tool from Fred Gitelman: the BBO-handviewer and I'm excited.

To get a rough idea how this works:
Fred's announcement in BBF
Link to the handviewer description
Thread in BBF

I wrote a first example for the handviewer demonstrating how a automatic simple squeeze works. The only flaw is that you cannot set who is on lead in an incomplete deal. So I made East declarer to give South the first lead.

Try the NEXT PREVIOUS and REWIND Buttons to play the cards.
Try a right click in the diagramm to hide played cards.
Try a click on a players name (e.g. South) to see only this hand and dummy.

This is a complete hand I played in BBO, which demonstrates the necessity to agree a rescue sequence after 1NT X ven playing 15-17 NT.
This is copied and pasted from the .lin file BBO saved on the HD of my PC.